
Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers offers patients innovative and effective new treatments

Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers offers balloon sinuplasty, which is a relatively new, minimally invasive, in-office procedure for chronic sinusitis patients. | stock photo

Chronic sinus infections and allergy problems can become so severe that they start to diminish people's enjoyment of life.

They can rob patients of a good night’s sleep and inflict general, long-lasting misery. The good news is that Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, located in Washington, D.C., can help in a big way.

Two of the services Capitol Breathe Free offers are diagnostic in-office CT scans and balloon sinuplasty.

Balloon sinuplasty can be performed in the doctor's office without having to go to an outpatient surgery center. A tiny balloon is inserted with a catheter into the sinus cavity, and then once the blockage is located, it's slowly inflated to open the sinus airway. The bacterial infection is cleared out and drained, allowing the patient to breathe deeply again.

As breathing patterns return to normal, patients often find they can sleep better after the procedure and have more energy each the day.

For allergy patients, the doctors -- Dr. Manish Khanna and Dr. Stephen Wall -- use the skin-prick testing to screen for the most common allergens found in the Washington, D.C., area. They can then recommend medications to help with symptoms, including antihistamines, nasal rinses and mucus reducers.

Another option is immunotherapy, which can build resistance to allergies in the patient's immune system. It can be administered through traditional allergy shots or self-administered drops under the patient's tongue.

The reaction of many of the practice's patients is that they wish they had visited Capitol Breathe Free much sooner. That’s how great it feels to finally breathe free again. Take this quiz to see if you could benefit from seeing one of the doctors there.

Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers is committed to providing the best sinus and allergy relief in the entire DC Metro Area, using the most advanced, proven patient-friendly techniques available. With 29 million Americans suffering from sinusitis and 242,000 annual chronic sinusitis ER visits, our mission is to provide minimally invasive options for needed long-lasting relief so that patients can get back to living. We call this mission Breathe Free and Live Well, and it is the North Star that guides us in each unique collaborative patient interaction. To learn more about Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, please visit our website.